This past weekend we celebrated the end-of-project conference: #pubarchMEDfin – Archaeological Practice and Society in the Mediterranean. And it has been intense, but I think I am happy with the results. Not because we were crowds, solved every problem in the world, or will have another publication out of it. But because we had the chance to see each other again after a while and have friendly chats on issues we really care about.
Tag: Conference
Diary, 23/02/21 – Road to #pubarchMEDfin
A few weeks ago we finally launched the finally conference of #pubarchMED project. It has been a bit over three years of intense work. I am afraid the end of the road will not come in April as it should, but little by little the outcomes of the project will see the light and hopefully help continue building a better management of archaeological heritage.
Diary, 18/12/20 – End of the year and… #pubarchMEDfin
End of the year… planning the new one. All the best for the holidays and the coming adventures of 2021. Keep an eye on us for the final conference!
Diary, 16/08/19 – Holidays?
I really have the feeling less and less people take holidays in July and August anymore… traditionally out month for fieldwork it is now also a moment for more. In my case, I cannot really relax yet if I want to catch up on schedule, but I have to admit I am not in my best position right now and it is being quite difficult. Years ago I listened carefully to the classes by Almudena Hernando at University in Madrid. Now I am living them. But guess we need to carry on, so after crying a bit, here it goes the summary of last month… Once back from North Macedonia I needed to start preparing the next trip, as it has been by far the longest I have taken… almost three full weeks away from home with a conference and fieldwork in three countries. Next week I’m doing something close to that but in a week and without conference… I needed to visit Jordan, and when I saw the call for a conference on archaeological heritage management, conservation and tourism, I saw it clear. It was probably the best excuse to go. At the same time there were a couple of missing points in Israel and Palestine that I needed to address. It all made sense… almost as much as spending the first night in the airport to save some money. I am not 20 anymore, and this is probably one of the main conclusions I got from this trip. READ MORE
Diary, 15/05/19 – Post travelling…
While I sit at my hotel in Kalamata, waiting for a new day of fieldwork, I look back to the last month and a half and sigh…