Over the past months we have been compiling a bibliography of public archaeology and archaeological heritage management in the Mediterranean on Zotero. Although the first push comes from the project, we intend to provide an open source that anyone can cooperate with.
You can access the online database here: pubarchMED bibliography
You can also download the last (full) version here:
We hope this resource might be helpful to find sources for your work in the region as it is for us.
However, we realise the current version is just scratching the surface, especially in some countries. We hope you can help improve it by joining the group (if you use Zotero) or forwarding us references you miss. If you want a specific set of references (by country), feel free to ask for it. This aims to be a tool available for everyone and as usefull as possible. Now, some rules:
- To be in the group: I will keep an eye on the people and will only accept active professionals on the topics of interest. Being part of the group will allow you add new references and use the full potential of the database, integrated with your work. Just do not delete and beware of what you upload into THIS collection. Mismanagement of the collection will result in being expelled.
- To upload materials… The topics of interest are:
– Works on public archaeology focusing on Mediterranean countries, or where they are a key focus (this include the whole range of topics, from politics or economic impact, to image, looting or community work).
– Works on archaeological heritage management on the same lines as above.
– General works on public archaeology or archaeological heritage management where the MAIN AUTHOR is Mediterranean, no matter the institution is working in nowadays.
– Any new reference will be placed on the folder of the country it refers to, or in folder “0 General” for those that refer to several countries or general topics. - To get references: You have access both to the web platform and the last version of the pdf in the links above. If there is a collection you wish to have, just email me.
- To propose references: Just email me or comment below and I will include them as soon as I can.
Collections by country, only if they have over 30 references:
(As you can see, there are very few countries right now, so join the effort and help grow the rest, and these ones… especially for references in local languages)