Licencia de Creative Commons
UNDERSTANDING ARCHAEOLOGY-SOCIETY DYNAMICS by Jaime Almansa-Sánchez is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional License.

#pubarchMED is a project funded by Xunta de Galicia through its innovation agency (GAIN), and implemented by Dr. Jaime Almansa-Sánchez, from the Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit, CSIC). It aims to delve into the knowledge about archaeological heritage management in the Mediterranean context and its impact on the social fabric.
This exhibition highlights some fundamental ideas about what happens to an archaeological site once the archaeological intervention is over. From abandonment to predatory tourism, there is a fine line in the management of archaeological resources that we do not know how to navigate yet.
Walk with us on this critical stroll along the future of archaeology and its relationship with you. A future in which we need to find balance to succeed in doing something socially useful out of our common heritage, avoiding political, economic and cultural bias. A future in which the impact of archaeology over our lives is more responsible and positive. A future that you too are part of.
We hope that this small exhibition can help you reflect about this topic and get you interested in this not-so-evident story of our heritage. Share your ideas with us with the project hashtag on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

This exhibition takes place in frame with the activities conducted at Instituto Cervantes Atenas as part of the week of archaeology that took place in May 2019 with support of the Spanish Embassy in Athens.

2nd-11th May 2019 :: Instituto Cervantes Atenas. Skoufa 31. Athens

22nd October 2019 – 22nd January 2020 :: University of Patras. Seferi 2. Agrinio

The photos portrayed are: