Diary, 18/12/20 – End of the year and… #pubarchMEDfin

Deskwork never ends during the pandemic and now, an hour from starting my winter holidays (and after the presentation of the PEPA, a platform of professional archaeology in Spain that I didn’t attend because I am stupid), I wanted to make the last post of the year with a small surprise…

First, a short review of a fatidic 2020. Some minor surgery in January; Italy in February; Covid-19 from March; Readapting the whole planning (thankfully with a six month extension); Online alternatives; Short break to do some fieldwork in Gibraltar and Spain; Back to deskwork; New resources; and suddenly, before you realise, the year is over. I am greatful I am healthy (besides some minor disorders from the first lockdown) and I was able to complete the essential parts of the project. I regret not having been able to complete the fieldowrk, specially Morocco, as I was really looking forward to it.

Now, what to expect in 2021…

If you have an eye for detail, you have probably already realised we are working on the final conference of the project. Save the dates, 16-18 April. It will be virtual, easy going, fun, inclusive and productive (hopefuly). We will launch it in January and we really hope you will enjoy it! We (building a large cool team) are working to bring something different and enjoyable for all.

Besides that, the next months will be to tye some loose ends, analyse data and write like hell. If I am actually able to deliver all I planned, you will hear about this everywhere for a couple of years. There are so many details and lines to follow, that I am both excited and burden about it. I just hope this does not fall in the hole of academic outputs and you can make some use of the work and the data, that will be fully available in the repository once the project finishes.

So, time to get back to writing…

Meanwhile, as I will not be in touch until January…


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